See What Others Said
More Trees
More trees and less pavement.
Active Urban Corridor
Jordan River into a urban corridor that is heavily utilized for recreation and commuting by the local community with trailside developments that support local small business and services. Think Swamp Rabbit trail Greenville SC. Think Minneapolis Greenway. Think east coast rail trails like the VA Creeper or the Cumberland Gap trail.
Nature Park
It would be nice to have a nature park. With a large pond, for fishing, canoes, paddleboats. Picnic tables. Lots of trees and flowers that grow wild for Utah’s climate. Different kinds of grasses and shrubs. Walking and biking path. Landscaped with large rocks, outdoor art, bird baths, birdhouses, play area for children to craw through, Climb on rope to swing on bridge connecting to other parts, slid, Rope climbing. A shade over the play area is important because of our weather. Splash play park.
A dog park would be a nice thing to have in a park. With play things for dogs to do. Water play area for them too. To make money for up keep of the park a zip line For Adults and teens. Outdoor climbing wall. Ice skating In winter, skating in summer. Rink could also be used to hold outdoor dances, movies. A community garden, then have a weekend market to sell fresh produce & home made products that the community makes. All of these things could make money. But it would have to be a small fee, so everyone can afford it!!! Oh and lots of benches :)
Black Mountain Trail
A real trail on the west end of Black Mountain. This is a popular hike but the trail to the summit ridge is too steep and eroded. It would benefit from real trail engineering.
Dog Park Improvements
More off leash dog trails with trees and a river and not a fenced in Coord or Tanner Park is a failure as a dog park!!! The fencing took away in the area that the dog wants to explore. Memory grove is a great example of a good dog park trail and we should have more of them less of them only brings more dogs in one area more of them would spread us out and have less of a carbon footprint from dogs and walkers!!
Natural spaces for everyone
Natural spaces need to be everywhere and accessible. Sidewalks with native trees and grasses on both sides on every street in the city.
Native plants and flowers
See more native plants and flowers in our park spaces to support wildlife and pollinators!
Fitness classes
I would like to see more fitness classes in our local parks, especially now that we can't go to the gym.
Inviting spaces
Rather than big open fields of turf, our parks should be filled with trees, flowers, fountains, walking paths, gardens, native and waterwise natural areas. Adding these things to city parks will provide places to walk, gather, or rest and experience tranquility. Why are our parks so boring? Imagine if more of them had the allure of the peace gardens. Perhaps our schoolyards, church yards, and other areas can accommodate baseball and other sports, so that we can add more trees and nature to our public parks.
Creek Restoration
Restore the health and natural beauty of the creeks that run through the city. City, Red Butte, Emigrations, and Parleys Creeks have all been channelized, rerouted, and even covered over the years. Daylighting (uncovering) them, allowing them to flow naturally, and restoring them as habitats for flora and fauna will help restore the health of the city and reconnect us to nature.
Skate Park
New Skate park in Salt Lake City limits, or expand upon what is now built at the Fair Grounds. There is a lot of empty space next to the new Vans skate park that could be taken advantage of.
Street Soccer Courts
Street Soccer Courts! Like the old Nike cage match marketing campaigns. Kids need an unstructured environment to ball. Maybe repurpose a few cracked and unused tennis courts around the city. RSL could co-sponsor the project with a promotional event that highlights professional players giving back to the local youth community. @N.Rimando @Nedum @T.Beltran
Card Title
1. Convert space that's currently imprisoned in traffic modality, to distinctive gathering spaces: street and intersection closures (openings actually) like the Stroget in Copenhagen, Piazza Del Campo in Sienna, Washington Square Park in NYC, the Malecon in Havana... SLC has no space like this. Start with intersections like 9&9 and 15&15. Cold feet? Try for just a weekend at first, Sunday Streets style.
2. One-of-a-kind, eco-sustainable, child-powered, whimsical adventure playgrounds. The opposite of cookie-cutter plastic bleh; all the charm of a strip mall. Examples-in-spirit: Ai Pioppi, Adventure Playground Berkeley, natural playgrounds in general, I have unlimited ideas...
3. Free, human-powered music (and theater) in-motion, and in the streets like Bicycle Music Festival (San Francisco) which I co-produced. Musicians, audiences, and venues are all struggling and we need outdoor space, in-motion, to perform.
Pedestrian Focus
The Jordan River Parkway as a human powered highway - a way to walk, run, bike, stroller our way through the landscape. I see the parkway as a focal point for our community recreating, commuting, exercising, being in nature.
Trailhead Facilities
I would like to make sure the Popperton Park Trailhead has sufficient parking and restroom facilities to support the increased traffic and public use of the new pedestrian and biking trails.
Small scale enhancements
The ability to implement such a concept on a smaller scale such as a front yard and/or park strip of a residence. This sadly runs afoul of much of the existing regulatory structure of city government and strongly disincentivizes efforts such as sod removal, habitat for pollinators and reduced water usage, as well as aesthetic enhancement. If a park like setting is important on a grand scale it seems to be equally important on a smaller scale, a belief which has been borne out during the recent pandemic restrictions. Interested?
Expand Kay Rees park
Expand Kay Rees park in the aves. Add lots of trees to 11th Ave park. There isn't enough shade at the park to enjoy it. Liberty park has the perfect amount of shade for runners and walkers but the aves is way too hot and sunny.
Social justice
The roles racism and the police play in outdoor spaces.
Pocket parks
Pocket parks as neighborhood gathering places
Foothills Trail System
Foothill Trail System. Let's get some action! There's been years of planning and discussion with no progress/results.
– Matt